Thursday, February 03, 2005

I Love To Be at Home

I imagine that if this blog had any readers, by now they would have asked about the song alluded to in the title. So, imaginary readers, here you are:

A Home Loving Man
by Arik Einstein
(Translated by Shai Gluskin)
There are people who climb mountains;
There are people who parachute from great heights;
There are people who ride on horses;
And there are those that swallow-up great distances.
But me, I love to be at home
With tea and lemon and the old books.
I love to be at home
with the same lover and the same habits.
There are people who hunt leopards;
There are people who dive for pearls;
There are people who build towers;
And there are those who fast for months.
But me, I love to be at home
With tea and lemon and the old books.
I love to be at home
with the same lover and the same habits.
There are people who are always searching;
There are people who are always uncovering;
There are people who go after what is big;
They never give up on anything, wanting it all.
But me, I love to be at home
With tea and lemon and the old books.
I love to be at home
with the same lover and the same habits.

This is from the website of Rabbi Shai Gluskin, where you can see the Hebrew, and read his comments on the song.

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